that lasts


Mama Cash began
with a visionary idea

In 1983, 5 lesbian feminist activists got together and launched Mama Cash - a pioneering force for resourcing feminist movements worldwide.

It wasn’t always easy, it wasn’t always popular. But here we are four decades later, and Mama Cash is moving more resources than ever before - to women, girls, and trans and intersex activists around the world.

We support them with the resources they need as they challenge power, push for lasting change and clear the way for future generations.

140 million

provided to feminist movements
around the world


direct grants

We Fund Feminist Activism

Across borders, communities, issues, and identities, our grantee-partners have transformed the world we live in today. From lesbian rights to climate justice, our support has powered global change.


Community Impact


    Thanks to our support, people in over a dozen countries can now live a truer version of themselves.

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  • Sex Worker Rights

    Mama Cash knew it from day 1: sex workers’ rights are central to feminist issues.

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  • Disability Justice

    Mama Cash grantee-partners around the world are breaking down the stigma around disability.

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  • Racial Justice

    We brought the powerful voices of racialised women, girls, and trans and intersex people to the forefront.

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Thematic Impact

  • Reproductive Justice

    Our grantee-partners brought abortion out of the shadows of criminalisation, and much more.

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  • Countering Gender-Based Violence

    With our support, hundreds of movements around the world secured government action against gender-based violence.

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  • Economic Justice

    We resourced thousands of feminist activists who have gone on to win labour protections and social security.

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  • Environmental Justice

    Mama Cash’s environmental justice grantmaking has moved resources to often-overlooked communities.

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Funding for Change

  • Relationship to Money

    We promoted a culture of joyful feminist individual giving and transformed the Dutch banking system.

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  • Feminist Funding Architecture

    We leveraged more and better funding to feminist movements and transformed the giving landscape.

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Shared Power, Global Impact

Over 40 years, Mama Cash has partnered with thousands of feminist activists, to channel over €91 million in direct grants to movements, their leaders and self-led groups driving lasting change.

Our grantee-partners are the feminist heroes securing change, preserving love and fighting for justice… that lasts!

By leaving my inheritance to Mama Cash, I feel like I am sustaining our family heritage, not through offspring, but by contributing to a better world for women and girls. I have no doubt that my inheritance will contribute to change for women and girls. I trust Mama Cash completely, she puts her money where her mouth is.

Sandrine Ulenberg

Mama Cash individual donor

We back feminists
fighting for change

We Champion Intersectional
Funding Worldwide

Money as activism

At a time when many feminists were wary of wealth's corrupting influence, Mama Cash played a pivotal role in reshaping attitudes towards money and power. By providing loan guarantees, building peer networks for women with inherited wealth, and fostering a culture of individual feminist giving, Mama Cash strengthened women's financial expertise and independence. In the 1980s and 1990s, Mama Cash’s loan guarantees led to the launch of 140 women-led businesses, influencing the Dutch banking sector to see women entrepreneurs as viable investments.

Shaping new futures

At Mama Cash, our strategic funding choices bring fresh, diverse voices to the forefront. We support self-led initiatives, prioritise historically excluded groups, and partner with women's and feminist funds around the globe. By sharing resources and empowering Global South feminist leaders, we partner with activists to build relationships, spark collaborations, and take on leadership roles, creating vibrant new networks and coalitions and a whole new healthy, flourishing feminist landscape.

Paying it forward

Mama Cash proudly fuels bold feminist activism by taking smart risks. Our long-term, core, and seed funding keeps movements thriving and growing. We empower grantee-partners from the start, helping them build coalitions and networks. They, in turn, pay it forward by uplifting excluded communities, creating unstoppable feminist movements for lasting change.

I used to go marching and protesting before I became a parent and I wish I had more time to do activist work, but as a single working mom, I just can’t be on the frontlines all the time. That’s why I donate to Mama Cash, because I know they’re supporting the activists on the ground who are doing amazing things in their communities and it feels like I’m part of that by donating a small amount every month.


Mama Cash individual donor

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We strengthen feminist causes
around the world

Africa & West Asia

Mama Cash provided €24 million to feminist movements in 56 countries across Africa and West Asia.

Our grantee partners propelled social change in many fronts, like expanding legal abortion rights in Africa through the implementation of the 2003 Maputo Protocol  — Protocol to the African Chapter of Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.

Among the hundreds of organisations supported in the region, Muvman Liberasyon Fam , in Mauritius, launched a campaign that played a key role in decriminalising abortion in cases of risk to the physical and mental health, and life of the pregnant person, and in cases of grave fetal anomalies, rape, and incest - in partial compliance with the Maputo Protocol.

€24 million
56 countries

East, South & Southeast Asia & Oceania

Mama Cash resourced activists from 29 countries in East, South & Southeast Asia, and Oceania, with over €20 million.

We advocated for the strengthening of women’s funds — like Women’s Fund Asia — and putting more and better money in the hands of self-led movements.

Among our grantee-partners, Empower Foundation, in Thailand, supported sex workers in the country to secure protections under the social security system, which allowed them free healthcare and paid sick and parental leave.

€20 million
29 contries

Europe, North & Central Asia

In 40 years, we gave €23 million to feminist groups and activists in 43 countries in Europe, North, and Central Asia.

Grantee-partners in the region gained ground in many human rights causes, like catalysing the making, adoption and implementation of the Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. This allowed many others to fight gender-based violence with improved national laws and practices.

ŠKUC-LL , in Slovenia, was the first lesbian organisation in the former Socialist Eastern European Bloc. They received funding from Mama Cash, shortly  after their founding in 1987. We honour their contributions to Slovenia’s marriage equality win in 2022.

€23 million
43 countries

Latin America & The Caribbean

With €18 million across 40 years, Mama Cash supported hundreds of feminist groups in 30 Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Beginning in 1988, Mama Cash supported domestic workers in Latin America to take part in the first regional encuentro of workers in this sector, at which the first regional confederation was born. In 2006, the confederation co-convened the first global conference of domestic workers, which kicked off the movement for ILO Convention189 to secure their labor rights, and instigated the creation of the only women-led international labour union in the world.

NUDE , the union of domestic workers in Trinidad & Tobago, helped form the international federation and negotiate the ILO Convention 189. At home, their members now have access to a minimum wage, maternity leave, paid holiday leave, sick leave, overtime pay, a pension, and a permit to work in any of the 17 countries in the Caribbean region, thanks to NUDE's advocacy.

€18 million
30 countries

North America

Mama Cash contributed to feminist activism in Canada and the United States with over €68 thousand.

The New Moon Fund in the United States received resources from Mama Cash to create an advocacy and information hub on sex work. In addition, they provide micro-grants to hundreds of American sex worker-led organisations.

€68 thousand
2 countries

Transnational and regional organisations

Mama Cash provided €4 million to international and cross-regional organisations.

We supported intersectional networks and women’s funds that worked across regions as they deepened their inclusive, accessible, and multilingual practices.

In 2011, we contributed to not only the launch of FRIDA Young Feminists Fund but also committed our support to a three-year Community of Practice that brought together 11 women’s funds, including FRIDA, which supported each other to mobilise more and better support for girls' organising.

€4 million

Celebrate four decades of transformative
change with Mama Cash!

Since 1983, we've partnered with millions of women, girls, trans, and intersex people to redefine norms, uphold rights, foster inclusion, expand access, and inspire joy, healing, and liberation.

Discover how feminist movements leveraged our support to create lasting impact. Download our full report now.